Portfolio: Structural Analysis, Design and Checking

Scope of Services

Modern numerical simulation techniques allow for a realistic analysis of structural behaviour even for highly complex structures such as long-span bridges. We specialise in the development and application of simulation, validation and visualisation tools for advanced structural analysis.

Employing cutting-edge technology we are able to deliver optimised and reliable structural designs as well as robust assessment of existing structures.

Our firm has extensive experience in simulations of a wide range of structural systems and loading scenarios, with particular specialisation in bridges and dynamic response phenomena. The scope includes:

  • Physically nonlinear analysis of concrete, composite and steel structures
  • Geometrically nonlinear systems, including tensile structures and form finding techniques
  • Software development for advanced structural and aerodynamic simulations, data analysis, visualisations and mobile computing
  • Linear and nonlinear dynamic analysis, e.g. pedestrian-induced vibration of footbridges, seismic analysis, wind-induced vibrations, cable oscillations
  • Analysis of structural damping devices, e.g. Tuned Mass Dampers, cable dampers, active control
  • Stage-by-stage construction analysis, specifically of long-span bridges
  • Soil-structure interaction analysis
  • Analysis of fire resistance of structural members
  • Heating and ventilation simulations.


Guido Morgenthal has worked on structural analysis and design-related challenges in numerous projects, e.g.:

  • Development of simulation software for train-induced vibrations of bridges
  • Queen Elizabeth II Bridge (Dartford Crossing), assessment of driving safety during strong winds
  • Report on continuous monitoring campaign measurements of spun-cast poles along railway lines
  • Footbridge Dornburg-Camburg. Pedestrian and crowd simulations of dynamic bridge response and proposals for TMD design.
  • Static and dynamic calculations of a wind turbine for re-powering.Mersey Gateway Crossing, UK, Checking of wind engineering design
  • Structural design checks of large fabrication facilities and buildings
  • Structural check of 225m high chimney, Jena
  • Construction quality appraisal and safety check for railway bridge in Leipzig
  • Constantine cable-stayed Viaduct, Algeria. Design management detailed design
  • Qatar-Bahrain Causeway. Design management railway viaduct
  • Stonecutters Bridge, Hong Kong/China. Project Engineer responsible for entire construction engineering scope (including design checks, geometry control and wind engineering assessments)
  • Sutong Bridge, China. Erection analysis and wind buffeting analyses of erection stages
  • Myo-Do/Yoesu Suspension Bridge, Korea. Global analysis for tender design
  • 2nd Orinoco Bridge, Venezuela, Earthquake simulations
  • Strelasund cable-stayed Bridge, Germany. Independent checking detailed design (final and erection stage)
  • Ma Chang Bridge, MokPo Bridge, Bukhang Bridge, Korea. Basic Design, including design checks and aerodynamic studies
  • Footbridge across the Rhine, Kehl-Strasbourg, Germany/France. Independent checking (final and erection stages)
  • Millenium Bridge London, Independent studies on pedestrian-structure interaction
  • Rion-Antirion Bridge, Greece. Nonlinear seismic analysis, including dampers

Some of this work has been carried out whilst Guido Morgenthal worked at Leonhardt Andrä und Partner, Stuttgart, AECOM, Hong Kong and COWI, Denmark

Related Scientific Publications:

  • Wang, W., Morgenthal, G., Dynamic analyses of square RC pier column subjected to barge impact using efficient models, Engineering Strucutures, 151 (2017), pp. 20-32
  • Wang, W., Morgenthal, G., Novel Crashworthy Device for Pier Protection from Barge Impact, accepted by Advances in Civil Engineering
  • Arshian, A. H., Morgenthal, G., Probabilistic assessment of the ultimate load-bearing capacity in laterally restrained two-way reinforced concrete slabs, Engineering Structures, 150 (2017), pp. 52-63
  • Arshian, A. H., Morgenthal, G., Three-dimensional progressive collapse analysis of reinforced concrete frame structures subjected to sequential column removal, Engineering Structures, 132 (2017), pp. 87-97
  • Rau, S., Morgenthal, G., An assessment framework for sensor-based detection of critical structural conditions with consideration of load uncertainty, Structures 12 (2017), pp. 168-178
  • Morgenthal, G., Rau, S., Taraben, J., Abbas, T., Determination of stay cable forces using highly mobile vibration measurement devices, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 23 (2018)
  • Taube, C., Timmler, H.-G., Helmrich, M., Morgenthal, G., Coupled thermal and mechanical analysis of composite cross sections using mathematical optimization strategies, Engineering Structures and Technologies 9 (2017), pp. 41-51
  • Achenbach, M., Lahmer, T., Morgenthal, G., Identification of the thermal properties of concrete for the temperature calculation of concrete slabs and columns subjected to a standard fire – methodology and proposal for simplified formulations, Fire Safety Journal 87 (2017), pp. 80-86
  • Arshian, A. H., Morgenthal, G., Narayanan, S., Influence of modelling strategies on uncertainty propagation in the alternate path mechanism of reinforced concrete framed structures, Engineering Structures, 110 (2016), pp. 36-47
  • Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G., Stochastische Untersuchung brandbeanspruchter Stahlbetonstützen, Bauingenieur, 90 (2015), pp. 456-462
  • Morgenthal, G., Olney, P., Concrete Hinges And Integral Bridge Piers, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21 (2015)
  • Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G., Extension of the Zone Method of Eurocode 2 for Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Standard Fire, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 7 (2016), pp. 82-96
  • Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G., Vollprobabilsitische Analyse von Stahlbetonwänden unter Brandeinwirkungen, Bauingenieur, 89 (2014), pp. 478-486
  • Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Integrative Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Semi-Integral Concrete Bridges, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 19 (2014)
  • Liu, C., Xu, D., Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Reinforcement design for the anchorage of externally prestressed bridges with “tensile stress region”, Computers and Concrete, 11 (2013), pp. 383-397
  • Achenbach, M., Morgenthal, G., Nachrechnung von Brandversuchen mit der erweiterten Zonenmethode (Recalculation of laboratory fire tests using the advanced zone method), Bauingenieur, 88 (2014), pp. 32-37
  • Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Xu, D., Quality evaluation of material models for reinforced concrete cross-sections under consideration of their load-bearing behavior, Engineering Structures, In Print
  • Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Xu, D., Integral bridges: sensitivity of limit state modelling, Bautechnik, Special Issue “Model Quality”, 90 (2013), pp. 32-40
  • Morgenthal, G., Timmermann, S., Bridges by Engineers Without Borders – Germany, Proceedings of the ICE – Bridge Engineering, 166 (2013), pp. 65-75
  • Morgenthal, G., Geometry Control of Major Bridges During Erection, DVW, Interdisziplinäre Messaufgaben 68 (2012), pp. 41-78
  • Morgenthal, G.,Yamasaki, Y., (Aerodynamic) Behaviour of Very Long Cable-stayed Bridges During Erection, Proceedings of ICE – Bridge Engineering, 163 (2010), pp. 213-224
  • Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., West, B., Engineering the Mainspan Construction of Stonecutters Bridge, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 15 (2010), pp. 144-152
  • Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Yamane, K., Montageplanung und Herstellung der Seitenfelder von Stonecutters Bridge, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 103 (2008), pp. 766-773
  • Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Schwarz, A., The 4000 Tonne Lift of the Stonecutters Bridge Steel Back Spans, Proceedings of ICE – Bridge Engineering, 161 (2008), pp. 197-208
  • Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Schwarz, A., Engineering the Heavy Lifting of the Stonecutters Bridge Steel Back Spans, Structural Engineering International (IABSE), 19 (2009), pp. 85-90
  • West, B., Sham, R., Morgenthal, G., Leading edge, Bridge Design & Engineering, 14 (4/2008), pp. 30-31
  • Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Yamane, Y., Engineering the Construction of the Stonecutters Bridge Concrete Backspans, Structural Concrete, 9 (2008), pp. 199-213
  • Schwarz, A., King, N., Morgenthal, G., Sham, R., Stonecutters Bridge Heavy Lift, Bridge Design & Engineering, 13 (2007)
  • Venetz, C., Schwarz, A., Tapley, M.-J., Morgenthal, G., Staying Power, Bridge Design & Engineering, 12 (2006), pp. 44
  • Morgenthal, G., Saul, R., La passerelle sur le Rhin entre Kehl et Strasbourg (The footbridge across the Rhine between Kehl and Strasbourg), Ouvrages métalliques, Journal of OTUA, France, 4/2005,
    pp. 8-17
  • Morgenthal, G., Saul, R., Die Geh- und Radwegbrücke Kehl-Strasbourg (Foot and Cyclebridge Kehl-Strasbourg), Stahlbau 74 (2005), pp. 121-125
  • Morgenthal, G., Saul, R., Best foot forward, Kehl/Strasbourg footbridge, Bridge design & engineering, 36 (2004), p. 36
  • Morgenthal, G., Saul, R., Fuß- und Radwegbrücke über den Rhein Kehl-Strasbourg (Foot and Cycle Bridge Across the Rhine at Kehl-Strasbourg) Stahlbaunachrichten 1/2004, pp. 9-11
  • McRobie, F.A., Morgenthal, G., Lasenby, J., Ringer, M., Section model Tests on human-structure lock-in, Proceedings of ICE – Bridge Engineering, 156 (2003), pp. 71-79
  • Morgenthal, G., Synchronisation phenomena in bridge dynamics, The Structural Engineer, 80 (2002), p. 20
  • Morgenthal, G., F.A. McRobie, A Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis in Long-Span Bridge Design, Wind and Structures, 5 (2002), pp. 101-114
  • Cziesielski, E., Fouad, N., Morgenthal, G., Rechnerische Simulation der thermisch bedingten Luftströmungen in Gebäuden (Numerical simulation of thermal air currents in buildings), Bauphysik, 22 (2000), pp. 378-382
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